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5214 S main st crosby tx 77532

Welcome here a little info about me

I have helped men and woman of all ages to reunite and help make a new beginning understanding there needs and emotions in relationship matters. I judge none and will be highly senitive to your situation. My reading are accurate also very clear understanding  to your situation details description whether it involves Love Romance career family issuses mariage sex drugs alcohol depression bipoler and meny others

Martial lifes spritiual influences unexpected disasters. if you allow me into your life to assist and help you. I can lead you on the right path with a clear and enlightening source of guidance and strength, which will help you to make choices to achieve the desired outcome. overs 25 year experience

Guiding people family and friends in all matters of life feel free to contact me 281-961-6248 


Call Now: 281-961-6248

@2023 by Sol Fitzgerald. Proudly created with 

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